• Ljubljana / London
Miha Colner


Photobook: Discipline, Genre or Movement?

Photobook: Discipline, Genre or Movement?

The column on the phenomena of photobook, first published in the catalogue of the Fotoknjiga in fotozin [Photobook and Photozine] exhibition at DobraVaga, Ljubljana. Today, the photobook is a thoroughly institutionalised and canonised discipline in the field of contemporary photography and art, swiftly building its own theoretical apparatus and extensive…

The Bars About To Be Extinct [Klaus Pichler & Clemens Marschall]

The Bars About To Be Extinct [Klaus Pichler & Clemens Marschall]

About the substantial photobook, entitled Golden Days Before They End by Klaus Pichler & Clemens Marschall, published for Edition Patrick Frey in 2016. The project was awarded first prize at the Evening Projections in frames of Month of Photography, Ljubljana and will be exhibited at Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography…